Vraiment Inspirant!
It brings me indescribable joy when I discover something truly inspiring. Truly inspiring in my opinion, is fashion with a message- a creative fusion of fashion and health. Truly inspiring is the amazing strapless dress, partly woven from blue recycled mosquito nets recently modeled by Kate Moss. The “mosquito-net” dress was exclusively designed by William Tempest, one of London’s hottest young designers, for the Sport Relief 2010 campaign as part of an effort to combat malaria in 2010. Though preventable and treatable, malaria accounts for a staggering number of deaths. Tempest and Moss are thus using this dress to raise awareness and sensitize the public to the magnitude of the mosquito-borne disease. In addition, they hope to help raise funds for insecticide treated nets- one of the most cost effective methods used in preventing the spread of malaria.
William Tempest isn’t the only designer making statements with malaria inspired pieces. Motivated by Malaria No More UK’s mission, Designer Markus Lupfer has also designed a netted navy cocktail dress that is up for grabs at asos.
The designer uses this dress as an expressive medium to get the word out about the severity of malaria and also to raise funds for mosquito nets in rural Africa where a huge percentage of lives are lost as a result of the disease. Only 750 of the beautiful Lupfer netted charity dresses are up for sale. Funds from the purchase of the dress will benefit a country in Southern Africa where two thirds of its population is at risk of malaria.
Also on asos is a lovely Stephen Webster mosquito ring commissioned by the Malaria Awareness Campaign to raise awareness about malaria among UK travelers. The ring has already been spotted on Victoria Beckham. What better feeling than to know you are not only shopping for amazing pieces but also supporting a great cause in the process ;-)
Also on asos is a lovely Stephen Webster mosquito ring commissioned by the Malaria Awareness Campaign to raise awareness about malaria among UK travelers. The ring has already been spotted on Victoria Beckham. What better feeling than to know you are not only shopping for amazing pieces but also supporting a great cause in the process ;-)
Raising health awareness and making a difference can obviously be done in truly inspiring [vraiment inspirant] ways...
Why not Fashion?
Ps: Every year there are about 250 million malaria cases and one million malaria deaths. One in every five childhood deaths is as a result of this disease. Every 30 seconds, a child dies from malaria. In other words, about 4 children have died due to the disease while you read this post- CRAZY! Make a difference today, get involved! Sport Relief has terrific and easy fundraising ideas if you want to be a part of making a difference in the spread of malaria.Source:
-Sport Relief, 2010
-World Health Organization, 2009